Prekese — also known as prɛkɛsɛ (soup perfume), oshosho, osakirisa, ubukirihu or aidan fruit — is a medicinal plant of the aidan tree, commonly used as a cooking spice which adds a slightly sweet yet stringent flavor that imbues dishes and drinks with a fragrant, sugary aroma. Native to West Tropical Africa, aidan trees, which can grow up to 25 meters (~82 feet) tall, are full of therapeutic qualities. The fruit has long been celebrated for its anti-inflammatory properties and a host of other health benefits.
Prekese is known botanically as Tetrapleura tetraptera, a species of flowering plant in the pea family. Aidan trees thrive in secondary forests and rainforests, but they can also be found in savanna woodlands and occasionally African plains from across West Africa, Sudan and Uganda to Kenya, Angola and Tanzania.
The pods of the aidan tree comprise of four perpendicular ridges resembling wings, two of which become woody while the remaining two consist of sugary pulp and hard, black seeds, which contain oil. The pods can be dried for year-round use, or chopped or crushed for adding to tinctures, drinks or food.
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